YES!! its mostly at night (4am) though. i thought i was the only one. ill click a page, then a white screen. reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, reload, PAGE LOADS!

I just stole your car, set fire to your couch, humped your girlfriend, ate your last piece of pizza, drank your last beer, shit on your coat, called your father a dingle berry, smeared KY jelly all over your toilet seat, called the police and told them you were mean to me, broke your calculator, made a flip book out of your post-it notes, wrote obscene messages on your driveway in sidewalk chalk, mixed up all your dress socks so you have one navy blue and one black one, left your refrigerator door open, left your freezer door open, left your front door open, asked your priest to excommunicate you, rifled through your mail but didn't find anything interesting so I put it back, switched your calender with a 1996 one, changed your screen saver to the windows logo, switched all your clocks back 1 hour, licked all your stamps and put them on the ceiling of your stolen car, made a random post trying to make you cry, invited twelve stray cats into your place and watching the sit on the burning couch, run up your long distance bill asking china if they really loved white rice, played darts with your neighbor, the dart board was the side of your house, I won, vacuumed your carpet then dumped the bag on your bed, set your bed on fire to watch the dust burn, it wasn't that interesting so I took a fire extinguisher and put it out, watched the couch burn some more cats, invited a stray dog over to chase the burning cats, got hungry again after eating your last piece of pizza so I ordered another one, its in your refrigerator but the doors still open, called your work and told them you died in a horrible gay experiment, told the same thing to your dad.

Hey dipshit!

What's green and says "Hey, i'm a frog"? A talking frog.

Step on my foot, and ill break both your legs and ram them up your ass.


Now my name and fear it, I am Moral Man, your pages, I will spam them, destroy them, your comments will never be seen again! Your mother will get an heart attack from the nasty stuff I type, and then she will read another one... AND DIE! NOW AND FOREVER, I AM MORAL MAN!

after telling someone on a forum to stop whining: "motha fukker lemme tell u wot...were i from you say dat shit you get pop capped dropped and then ur whole family git stuck. i got a gat wit hollo points and they all 4 u."

i'll bash yer foken hed in i swer on me mum Written by: ---Pirater un compte Facebook --- Peace ;)

"If I ever see you on craiglist again...I'm going to make sure you never sell shit again online. I am sick and tired of phaggots like you posting shit on craiglist and when it comes down to selling shit, you flake. So listen here ASSCLOWN. If I ever see you advertise one more thing on here, I am going to personally find you and beat the living shit out of you. I'm going to make sure you have a reason not to sell shit on craiglist. You'll be in a wheelchair the rest of your life wondering where you went wrong. If I ever hear of you on better make sure you move states. Because if I find I said...I'll be sure to give you a reason not to make it to my doorstep with whatever it is you are selling ****.

I'm going to **** your **** with my **** you ****ing **** *** sucking **** ****** *** ***** and then ill rip you a new ******* you ******** I'm going to**** ****** ***** and **** in your cereal then **** *** ***** ****** **** ***** *** **** *****and *** *** ** **** ***** so hard you'll cry and ill **** your ***** **** weather you like it or not.. .

i love marijuana

You think you so slick with all your digs at my small Asian penis, but you didn't think this one through because you are no match for my superior Asian brain! I read your IP, mwahaha! My Mac makes job like this no problem. Being Chinese means I am kung-fu, motherbitch, and I about to go all Bruce Lee on your ASS! You need to watch out who you order your chicken chow mein from, because when you hear the glass break, enter the dragon! I come through your window! Ha, we Chinese come up with genius plan for every occasion ... you think you pay me for take-out, but you actually pay me to beat you like little bitch! Do I still have small dick? Huh? I make you eat your own shit! Ho0o0o0o!

"If I ever see you on craiglist again...ever, I am going to make sure you never sell shit again online from the ass whooping I am going to give you. I am sick and tired of phaggots like you posting shit on craiglist and when it comes down to selling shit, you flake. So listen here ASSCLOWN. If I ever see you advertise one more thing on here, I am going to personally find you and beat the living shit out of you. I'm going to make sure you have a reason not to sell shit on craiglist ever again. You'll be in a wheelchair the rest of your life wondering where you went wrong. If I ever hear of you on better make sure you move states. Because if I find I said...I'll be sure to give you a reason to flake and not to make it to my doorstep with whatever it is you are selling ****.

you really need to be careful how you talk about me on the forum, i dont appreciate it. tone down the disrespect, i dont know where you're from but where im from we dont tolerate that. dont even reply to this, just keep your mouth shut. consider yourself warned.

I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast.

im not fooling.. every bitch i see on here talks, but they dont realize they are talking through a computer. i guarantee that more than half of you wouldn't talk to me or others in real life the way you do on here, someone needs to bring this up and i figured i might as well do it before someone else does


What do you mean what?

What did the goofoff say to the serious person? Why so serious¿

Usually when people talk shit, I just brush it off, but now, it's gone a little to far. Assclown, you talk as you know me but in reality you don't know shit about me. I'm guessing you've never been in a situation involving a real live thug that was born and raised in the ghetto/hood(me). Yes i've turned my life to good, but i will throw all that out the window if you continue to talk shit about me. I've killed a few people back in my banging days and Just remember next time before you open your mouth, you better be praying that i'm in a good mood, or else you'll be in for a rude awakening when the thug in me unleashes.

Oh yeah? You think its funny that I dont got arms Just wait until someone rolls my wheelchair to your place and... I will totally INSULT YOU! Yeah... You feeling pretty safe here at Horsehead, yeah! Just you wait... Im saying just you wait! I am so gonna insult you just out of the air!

DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE OR YOU MIGHT SPILL THE DRINK. :D Source: Collection of Cool WhatsApp Status

Whats worse than your christmas tree catching on fire christmas eve? Your christmas tree catching on fire on christmas


Electronic thug. A pale, pimple faced, skinny white kid who would most likely burn up if he came into contact with natural sunlight. Spends all of his time threatening people over the internet to compensate for his lack of a life and hatred of humanity for not accepting him.